Back to Health clinic reception areas

Our fees

Chiropractic & Osteopathy
Initial Assessment including Treatment £75.00
Follow up Treatments £45.00
Initial Assessment including Treatment £75.00
Follow up Treatments £45.00
Shockwave Therapy
Treatments £65.00
Sports / Deep Tissue Massage
First Massage and Initial Assessment £55.00
Treatment (30 mins) £35.00
Treatment (60 mins) £55.00
Initial Assessment including Treatment £55.00
Follow up Treatments £45.00
Initial Assessment including Treatment £55.00
Follow up Treatments £55.00
Lymphatic Drainage
Initial Assessment including Treatment £55.00
Follow up Treatments £55.00
Initial Assessment including Treatment £60.00
Follow up Treatments £55.00

We also offer several Holistic Treatments across our three clinics including Indian Head Massage, Relaxation Massge as well as Shiatsu treatments. Please contact us for more information or click ‘Make an Appointment’ below.

Booking an appointment

You are able to make an appointment online for most of our services by following the link below or alternatively you can contact us

Make an Appointment

Explanation of appointments

Initial Assessment or First Visits

On your first visit, you will receive a thorough assessment, diagnosis and a treatment plan will be proposed. Advice is provided regarding your condition and exactly how chiropractic, physiotherapy or sports therapy can help you.

The first part of the visit will include a comprehensive medical history followed by a physical examination and tests (specific orthopaedic, neurological, range of movement, muscle length & strength & other appropriate tests).

Following the assessment, you will be provided with a verbal report of findings & an explanation of treatment options.

Treatment & advice is normally provided during the first visit unless clinically not advisable.

Follow up treatment plan

A follow up treatment is an appointment which takes place after an assessment. Depending on your condition you may require a course of treatment. These appointments will vary in length depending on the complexity of your condition and your agreed treatment plan.

Your progress will be regularly reviewed during the follow up visits.


A reassessment appointment will be necessary for any new condition or if you have not had an appointment for at least 6 months. You may also need a reassessment appointment if your care is being transferred to or shared with another member of our clinical team.

Babies and Children

Chiropractic techniques are suitable for babies and children at all stages of development (as well as for ladies during pregnancy). Our practitioners will assess your child to see what interventions might be helpful.

As babies’ skeletons are softer than an adult’s, the techniques used are delicate, careful, and always tailored for the individual.

Find out more

Other information

Chiropractic treatment in Wrexham

Discounted block payments

Discounted blocks of certain treatments are available for patients who are following an agreed treatment plan.

Additional fees

Fees will be charged fees for additional services requests such as letters, reports, or certificates. They take time to complete and are not always straightforward or simple to write. When asked to complete even the simplest of forms, your entire medical record with us needs to be checked. Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the practitioner with their regulatory bodies.

Treatment times

The fees charged for chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments reflect the expertise of the clinician and any appointment times given are for guideline only. In the same way when you visit the dentist or your optician you do not pay for the time it takes! Each patient will receive the correct amount of time clinically indicated which may be either shorter or longer than the approximate timing guidelines.

Cancellation policy

Please try to avoid rescheduling appointments as this may have an impact on your treatment outcomes.

If you must change the time of your appointment, we require adequate notice as this gives us an opportunity to offer it to another patient.

Where appointments are cancelled after Noon the day prior to your appointment a charge equal to 50% of the appointment fee if payable.

Appointments cancelled within 4 hours, or if you fail to attend your appointment, the full fee is payable.

How to pay?

Back to Health are pleased to accept payment by cash, Apple Pay, Google Pay & credit/debit card. Patient bookings are secured by payment of the treatment fee, which is fully refundable provided that 24 hours notice is received.

Private medical insurance & healthcare cash plans

Back chiropractic treatment at Wrexham clinic

Private medical insurance

Back to Health chiropractic and physiotherapy care is covered by the major private health insurers including AXA/PPP, WPA and Vitality. For certain insurance providers you may be asked to self-pay for your treatment and claim back your fees. We are happy to provide a statement of fees paid. If you are requesting that your fees are paid directly by the medical insurer we will need you to complete some additional paperwork. Before making an appointment at the clinic please check your policy for level of cover and any excess charges. We will usually need your insurance policy number and a pre-authorisation code outlining how many treatments have been authorised or whether there is an excess to pay *

Some insurers require you to have a GP referral in place before starting your treatment, others require you to undertake a telephone triage before making an appointment. If you would specifically like to be seen by a Back to Health clinician, please request this when you contact your insurance company otherwise your care may be transferred to an alternative clinic less convenient for you.

* You may find that our private medical insurance fees are slightly higher than our self- pay fees. This is to cover the additional administrative burden which the PMI companies demand from clinics.

Axa PPP Healthcare, WPA, Vitality Health

Want help with treatment costs - get a health cash plan!

Healthcare cash plans are insurance policies that instead of covering you for unforeseen and unpredictable medical events, help you pay for the cost of routine healthcare. They are different to private medical insurance and can be a cost-effective way of paying for everyday healthcare.

They typically cover dentistry, opticians, a hospital inpatient fee, special consultations and maternity payments. You may not be aware that most of our services including chiropractic, physiotherapy, sports therapy, massage and acupuncture treatment are often covered by healthcare cash plans within their "health and wellbeing" coverage. Different plans cover different things so make sure you pick one which covers the services you will most need. It may also be worth checking whether some of your treatment may be paid for by your employer. The cash plans can also be used to cover your partner and children. Well known cash plan company names include Simplyhealth, BHSF, Healthshield, Orchard Healthcare, HSF and WHA Direct.

If you are planning on claiming your treatment fees through a cash plan please let us know at the start of your treatment plan and we will issue you with a receipt after each treatment or at the end of a course of treatment.

Y Siop

Several useful items are available to buy from Y Siop in the clinic; they include Biofreeze ice gel, ice & heat packs, wheat bags, sports and joint supports and other items.


A very effective booking system and communication via text messages plus the 24 hour helpline. A very relaxed and welcome place
Wrexham patient 5171

Booking online was super-easy. I booked at 10pm at night and attended for my appointment the following morning
Chester patient 6482

The whole process from booking appointments through to the clinical care has been totally stress-free and a very satisfactory experience
Wrexham patient 5129

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Did you know?

Our clinics are centres of excellence for the treatment of back, neck and joint pain

Call us today or Make an Appointment

Wrexham 01978 264 531  
Mold 01352 751 939  
Chester 01244 343 236