Our Services Sports and Deep Tissue Massage

18/10/24Our Services Sports and Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue and Sports massage are a lot more than the usual rub down after a sports session. Both alleviates stress and tension which can build up in the body’s muscles and soft tissues because of day to day activities and taking part in sport.

Our massage therapists treat a variety of medical issues and complaints aimed at providing you with relief by reducing tightness and improving soft tissue condition. Enabling you to move your body more freely.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that only sports people benefit from our therapies. We all put different demands on our bodies whether we are office workers, manual workers, engage in sports or are pregnant.

There are many medical conditions which benefit from massage treatment including:

Both Deep Tissue and Sports massage treatments focus as much on prevention as they do on cure. Most people would benefit from a sports and remedial massage at least once a month. Regular session can enable monitoring of any negative changes in the soft tissue and to counteract this situation using advanced techniques of body massage and soft tissue therapy.

Integration with our other Practitioners

The integrated style of working at Back to Health has been developed to enable us to provide you with the best possible outcomes. Massage therapy is often beneficial alongside chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy treatment plans.


The advantage of having a massage team in house is the ability to integrate the treatments to provide you with the best possible outcome. Our practitioners and therapists can work together to determine how best to treat you with complimenting treatments.

How will I feel after a treatment?

The body should feel pleasantly relaxed and more supple. There may be some tenderness in places if deep work has occurred. The next morning stiffness may occur and more tenderness can result over a 24 to 48 hour period. This is a natural response to deep massage and tissue work as the tissues remodel and start to repair. In most cases if the injury or tension was mild no side effects will occur.

Mild headaches can affect some individuals if very sensitive to changes in the body. This is due an increase in waste levels being excreted into the blood system. It’s usually a good idea to drink more water to flush the system out and take a good brisk walk in the fresh air. We recommend treatment lengths of no longer than 60 minutes due to the intensity of the treatment.

For more information or to book contact us now

Did you know?

Our patient surveys demonstrate that 95% of our chiropractic patients show an improvement in their symptoms over a period of 4 weeks. Patients who receive chiropractic care from us show a 70% improvement in symptoms within 4 weeks of starting treatment

Call us today or Make an Appointment

Wrexham 01978 264 531  
Mold 01352 751 939  
Chester 01244 343 236