Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation, Prevention
When you first make an appointment with Back to Health we try to recommend the treatment type we believe is most clinically appropriate for your needs. To treat you as effectively as possible Back to Health will endeavour to:
- Diagnosis To provide you with an accurate diagnosis
- Treatment To manage your care with the most appropriate treatment
- Prevention To ensure to the best of our ability that the injury does not reoccur
- Rehabilitation To recommend the most effective form of rehabilitation
The following treatment techniques are used by our clinicians
- Manipulation - this is a hands-on treatment approach with the purpose of restoring motion in the joints, often resulting in a slight ‘clicking’ noise from the joints
- Soft tissue work including massage - applying pressure to the soft tissue of the body such as the muscles - the aim is to reduce inflammation, relax muscles, break up scar tissue, ease pain and promote circulation
- Mobilisation - using measured movements of slower speeds to twist, pull, stretch & push restricted joints increasing range of motion - this can help loosen tight tissues around a joint and reduce pain
- Dry or trigger point needling - a safe and effective method of relieving muscle pain using acupuncture needles
- Strain and Counter strain - a gentle soft tissue manipulation technique which corrects abnormal tissue movements using gentle muscular resistance from the patient
- Activator method - the use of a measured mechanical impulse on trigger points which are too acute to treat using mobilisation and manipulation therapy
- IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation) - the use of metallic instruments to help remove restricted muscle fibres
- Rehabilitation exercise (exercises, Pilates & Yoga) - functional exercise programmes for a return to sport or activities of daily living - we regard movement & exercise as an essential part of the rehabilitation & prevention process at Back to Health. The goal is to help strengthen and stretch muscles
- Modalities - the use of heat, cold, electricity, laser (LLLT) to help decrease pain, improve circulation, help repair soft tissue and help the muscles relax
- Traditional Chinese medicine techniques including Acupuncture, Reflexology, Moxibustin, cupping, TuiNa, electro-acupuncture and guasha
- Orthotics - we sometimes recommend orthotics to support the feet and help correct biomechanical function
- Taping or strapping - there are different types of tape that can be used for stabilising injuries, relieving pain and encouraging normal movement, postural and muscle patterns
- Talking therapy - pain is a psychological response to a physical stimulus - we refer to in house talking therapists to support our manual treatments
- Screening assessments - Postural, Biomechanical, Musculoskeletal, Ergonomic, Occupational - anyone can benefit from an MSK screening - it can be specific to a sports, home or work environment and involves gathering information about an individual and conducting a series of specific examinations to determine problems with joint range of movement, flexibility, core strength and functional strength and movement patterns. It is a safe and effective way of improving physical health and performance as well as a tool for injury prevention
Some of the above techniques are used by several of our clinicians - others are specific to a treatment type. They are all evidence based, patient centred approaches to managing musculoskeletal disorders. We may suggest combining the type of treatment to give you the best possible results and if we are unable to help you within the clinic we will contact a network of local health professionals on your behalf.
Did you know?
Our patient surveys demonstrate that 95% of our chiropractic patients show an improvement in their symptoms over a period of 4 weeks. Patients who receive chiropractic care from us show a 70% improvement in symptoms within 4 weeks of starting treatment