Trick or Treat
16/10/24Halloween is just around the corner and it always feels like its the start of one of the busiest periods of the year – bonfire night and then all things Christmas and New Year are very quickly upon us.
Putting up decorations can aggravate existing injuries or cause new ones. It’s important to maintain proper posture to avoid injury and take care to avoid hurting your back. Here are a few handy tips for protecting your back while putting up decorations.
Maintaining Proper Posture to Avoid Injury
If you’re going to be going up and down ladders, carrying heavy boxes of decorations, hunching over a table to decorate the perfect Pumkin, you need to maintain proper posture to avoid injury to your back.
- When sitting down avoid hunching over, slouching your shoulders, looking down for extended periods of time, or sitting in odd positions.
- Take frequent breaks to stretch your legs, move around and stay hydrated.
- Wear appropriate footwear with arch support, padding, and a non-slip sole.
Using the Proper Technique When Lifting
Lifting heavy boxes or moving large, heavy decorations around can cause pain and injury. Make sure to use the proper technique when lifting heavy items.
- Stretch before undertaking any large tasks.
- Bend at your knees, rather than your back.
- Keep your back straight and use your core muscles while lifting.
- When walking with a heavy box or object, keep it close to your body and cantered in front of you.
- Avoid twisting your body or spine when carrying something heavy.
- If you start to feel tightness in any muscles, stop for a stretch break.
Follow Ladder Safety Rules
It is important when using a ladder when putting up decorations or getting out decorations from storage to ensure you are safely using them. A fall from a ladder can injure your spine and/or other body parts, causing chronic or severe pain. Use the right size and type of ladder for the job.
- Follow the instructions on the ladder regarding weight requirements and usage.
- Place the ladder on a flat, even, stable surface.
- Only go up the ladder as far as is necessary and never stand on the top step (often top two steps, so remember to check the safety instructions for the ladder you are using).
- Maintain three points of contact on the ladder at all times.
- Face the ladder when climbing up or down.
- Always have someone hold the ladder whilst using it.
As enjoyable as the this time of the year is, it can also be a very stressful time. Finding fun Halloween events to take the kids to, buying costumes and trick or treating can all put stress on the body and mind that needs care. Followed by the pressure we all put ourselves under to get ready for Christmas, buying the perfect gifts, decorating the perfect tree and cooking the perfect Christmas dinner. A visit to see one of our team can help reduce and sometimes eliminate these stresses so your mind and body can reset before the holiday season is in full swing.
Booking your next appointment at Back to Health at this time of the year is a great way to ensure the body and mind are relaxed and prepared for all that’s to come over the next few months.
DON’T FORGET any left over pumpkins you have from Halloween can be turned into a great warming soup packed with vitamins A and C!
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The BPS (Bio psycho social) model proposes that health is best understood in a combination of biological, psychological and social factors rather than purely biological (medical) ones. Our chiropractors follow an evidence based, patient centred BPS model for all our care